At Food for the Block, our goals and objectives revolve around bringing much-needed food and comfort to those in need in my childhood neighborhood, Bosque Popular. Our target population includes individuals who are living on the streets, enduring dire conditions that no one should have to face. Our primary focus is on providing care food packages, utilizing just 9 dollars to feed an entire family of four for an entire day.

But it doesn't stop there. We recognize that children often accompany these desperate parents, lacking the support of extended family. That's why we strive to cater to their needs as well. When resources permit, we organize ludic games for the kids, providing moments of joy and normalcy amidst their difficult circumstances. Additionally, we offer warm homemade meals on the weekends, ensuring that people have an assured meal to count on each week. Our warm meals program, spearheaded by Catalina, has gained popularity as we aim to make a lasting impact.

Nourishing Lives, Bringing Comfort: Making a Difference in Bosque Popular

Our ultimate outcome is to bring comfort through meals. We understand that food is essential, and it breaks our hearts to think of anyone going to sleep hungry, especially with their children. While we may not be able to address their housing situations at the moment, we are committed to providing nourishment and sustenance. Every meal we serve is a small step towards alleviating their immediate needs and fostering a sense of hope. Together, through your support, we can ensure that no one in Bosque Popular goes hungry, empowering them to face the challenges ahead with renewed strength and dignity.